7 Commercial Use Cases of Quantum Computers
We have previously discussed how big tech companies apply quantum technology to solve real-world problems. This means that they are working hard to transition our tech world from bits to qubits .
Big tech players and government institutions continue to invest time, resources, and efforts in studies to build commercially viable, error-corrected quantum computing (QC) systems. All this can only be worth it if there are areas real people can use these next-gen computers to solve their everyday problems.
However, those crucial applications are still in the infancy stage and in this article we will focus on key commercial applications for quantum computing in 2023 where QC experts are carrying out exhaustive studies in the hopes of deploying the technology to improve their operations and activities.
Please see our extended and updated list of commercial applications for quantum computing covering a variety of quantum computing use cases now and into the future, the list currenty has over 100 examples and growing.
Commercial Applications for Quantum Computing in 2023
These are critical areas we will use QC systems in 2023 and years ahead.
Quantum Computing Machine Vision
Imagine the possibility of having smarter and more accurate object detection in autonomous vehicles. Simply put, self-driving vehicles can be safer and more efficient with QC technology. To achieve this, IonQ has teamed up with Hyundai Motor Company to develop machine vision algorithms that can conduct object detection on 3D data from self-driving vehicles.
The move will see them utilize QC systems to stimulate electrochemical reactions of different metal catalysts. Also, they will analyze the spatial and environmental data from sensors to help the vehicles to better understand the nature and location of objects, people, and their surroundings.
Battery Development
According to many QC researchers, quantum technology can improve lithium batteries. To actualize this, the researchers have to create a battery chemistry model to simulate the structure and energy of lithium oxide. In the end, this process will help improve its performance and safety.
Again, IonQ is teaming with Hyundai to spearhead a tech-inspired joint venture that will see the automaker deploy the new batteries in electric vehicles. Indeed, this technology is critical for advancing electric cars because they depend on electric batteries – not internal combustion engines – to run. QC systems are much faster than conventional computers, thus expediting tasks like mapping complex molecular structures and chemical reactions.
Sure, this is one area the IonQ team is looking to cash in on quantum supremacy.
Drug Discovery
Another critical area we will use quantum technology is in the healthcare industry. During drug development processes, medical scientists and big pharma companies devote time, effort, and resources to clinical trials.
Nowadays, they employ artificial intelligence, human organs-on-chips or in silico studies. By introducing QC systems, it becomes a lot faster to run searches and examine all possible molecules for drug target tests conducted in every potential cell model or silico human tissues and networks. The benefit of all this is that it will hasten the discovery of the antidote to diseases.
We cannot entirely rule out the development of drugs for cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers can apply quantum technology to improve patient selection and design in clinical trials, quickly generate new molecules with desired properties, better predict drug response and expedite the drug time to the market.
IBM is collaborating with Cleveland Clinic to explore all these benefits. Our findings show that the multinational tech corporation will provide two quantum computers, engineers, and training to Cleveland Clinic’s center that focuses on studying genomics, emerging pathogens and viral diseases, and threats to public health.
Cybersecurity has become a worrisome trend and threat to today’s computing world because hackers continuously use phishing tools and other techniques to access people’s accounts. They also intercept encrypted messages and devise means of decoding the content. However, quantum technology can improve existing cryptographic technology so we can safely share encrypted messages through secure channels.
Quantum physicist Shohini Ghose says that if a hacker intercepts such quantum-encrypted messages, they have to break the law of quantum physics to decode the content of the message. In January 2018, a joint China-Austria team showed that quantum encryption could facilitate secure communications between continents. T
hey combined quantum communication from the Micius satellite and fiber-optic cable network in Beijing to demonstrate it. Once fully implemented, quantum encryption will be more secure than today’s encryption technology.
Speedy Sequencing and DNA Analysis
It took more than a decade to crack the code of human DNA. For instance, the Human Genome Project started in 1990 and ended in 2003, costing billions of dollars. Today, times have changed as medical scientists perform sequencing and DNA analysis much faster. Faster DNA analysis significantly reduces the factor by 1 million in less than a decade.
Despite this improvement, the revolution still lags behind. However, quantum technology can make it even faster and better. When that happens, predictions become more reliable because QC systems can seamlessly build genomic data into health records. The outcomes are improved analyses of genomic rearrangements and chromosome phasing.
Customized advertising
In one article, we explained how QC systems can optimize logistics. But then, we can also deploy quantum technology in customized advertising, marketing, and communications. In 2017, D-Wave Systems Inc., the Canadian QC startup, partnered with Japan-based Recruit Communications Co. Limited to apply QC technology in optimizing marketing, advertising and communications.
The two parties planned to work together to optimize advertising distribution and maximize the effectiveness of marketing strategies. Plus, they will develop relevant theories and implement the programs using quantum annealing analysis. The concerted efforts will also see them optimize the efficiency of marketing advertisements to customers in the web advertising ecosystem.
National Grid
In the future, QC tools will improve power grids in several countries. The idea is to use computational tools to enable a fast and accurate description of the grid state and its evolution. QC tools will also provide predictive capabilities for optimal efficiency and predict possible contingencies around power facilities.
Quantum technology will be critical in this space because today’s conventional computers cannot fit into that purpose. Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) are rapidly progressing. Still, they have demonstrated that they can support computational engines for large-scale electric power grid modeling in order to facilitate real-time, interconnect-sized dynamic modeling.
Over time, this procedure can stimulate hybrid (electromagnetic and electromechanical) models of grid layouts. For example, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has teamed up with Microsoft to further this study.
Final Thoughts
Because our readers keep asking us how quantum technology will be used in our world, we took our time to answer their questions to answer a very common question, what are Commercial Applications for Quantum Computing in 2023.
As a sequel, we have shown you the 7 commercial use cases of quantum technology. QC systems, according to researchers, will revolutionize the aforementioned industries because they have the quantum advantage, meaning that they can do what today’s conventional computers cannot do. However, since the technology is still in its infancy, we will have to wait for some time before seeing companies and government institutions apply the innovative technology in those fields.
Much as we don’t know when they will deploy quantum technology to tackle those real-world problems, the truth is, this disruptive technology has come to stay. Yes, you are right – it will shape the tech world some years from today. So, wait for it!!!